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Find out moreLimone sul Garda
Toscolano Maderno
Moniga del Garda
At Lake Garda, justlike at home, forthree generations
At Lake Garda, just
like at home, for
three generations
Thirteen hotels and campsites around our lake: Horstmann Hotels mirrors the blue of the Garda.
Our belonging to the territory and sincere desire to welcome you inspire us every day, and have done so for three generations, to give you unforgettable holidays.
Best of Horstmann Hotels
Best of Horstmann Hotels
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Garda: a world of uniqueexperiences
Garda: a world of unique
A stay at Lake Garda becomes an authentic wonder: unique experiences, unexpected discoveries and new sensations are all waiting for you.
Let the countless hues of this paradise bewitch you.
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