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Benefits of booking directly
Exclusive to our guests
Best cancellation policy
Best room available
Late check-out (on availability)
Hotels & Campsites
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Only by booking directly through our website will you have access to the best rates, exclusive deals and advantageous policies.
Find out moreLimone sul Garda
Toscolano Maderno
Moniga del Garda

Horstmann Hotels Club
Horstmann Hotels Club
Join the exclusive Horstmann Hotels Club, the official program that awards frequent users of our facilities. With every direct reservation and for each euro spent at HH businesses you're automatically awarded points. More points, more rewards.
Program validity
The HH Club Card program will soon be active. Sign up for our newsletter to stay updated.
How it works
How it works
€ 1 = 1 point
Book directly with us: each euro you spend is equivalent to one point.
From your first stay
Begin accumulating points right from your first reservation!
Horstmann World
Win points in all Horstmann's businesses

Want to jointhe program?
Want to join
the program?
Book your stay directly with us, collect points and enjoy your rewards!
Information andContacts
Information and
Do you have any doubts? Are you having problems activating your Fidelity Card? We’re here to help you!
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